We are the proud new owners of the Sweet Peace Infant Soothing System. This is no ordinary baby swing. This is the Cadillac of baby swings, fully loaded. If it could have spinning hubcaps and little tv's in the back of the seat, it would.
Do we need this? Probably not. Would a simpler less expensive baby swing sooth our child? Probably. Does our baby even cry? No, only twice. But, if he ever does... he will be instantly soothed!
It has a rocking motion that simulates the way I would rock him. And I can change directions on it by re positioning the seat, in case he prefers to be rocked head first instead of feet first, or if he wants to be rocked sideway. Stunning I know! It has 6 different speeds and if the number of straps that are required to keep him restrained, make it look like we are preparing to launch our little bundle of joy into space.
It plays the sound of my heart beat, the sound of water running, the sound of some jungle (why that would be soothing to an infant, I don't know) 20 different lullabyes, with both fast and slow tempos AND it has a place to plug in Jaxon's IPOD. That is there in case the lulluabyes don't cut it and he demands to hear some Coldplay. Did I mention that the seat vibrates?
I've put Jaxon in it twice now with the heart beat sound going, its like the baby equivalent to Ambien.
with toys like this....why kids need parents anymore is beyond me...very nice to see your blogging style come out. keep it up.
absolutely hilarious, and man, you're so lucky that he never cries...he really seems to have yours and Jason's chill personalities.
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