Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mom Jeans

Today I picked my sister Heidi up to hang out. She looked at me and said flatly, "Your starting to dress like a mom. You used to dress much more glamorously."(Is that even a word Heidi?)
This startled me. I'm so used to being accused of over dressing for most occasions, I was caught off guard. Am I becoming one of those moms already? I took a shower and got ready as I usually do. I will admit I'm wearing a little less makeup than B.J. (Before Jaxon). And since I'm on leave, I've abandoned my usual uniform of all black. But Jaxon isn't monopolizing THAT much of my time. Is he? Will I soon be one of those moms who perpetually goes around in running suits even though, they OBVIOUSLY aren't doing much running? Will I soon buy my jeans in the "Classic" fit? High waisted and sassy?
I don't think its gotten that severe. But good. I should look like a mom. Better than running around in a halter top with a belly button ring hanging out holding my baby on my hip as I cruise the malls.


Levi Lusko said...

hey, it could be worse, you could drive like alivia, she went to bed wearing only a tutu...just stay away from a minivan

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with high waisted and sassy? I've been wearing those since 1994.

jennie said...

i like your thinking and i don't know what heidi's talking about but i don't think it's even possible for becca clay to not be glamorous...

Heidi Lusko said...

I am here to defend my honor.
In this blog I am made out
to be a heartless monster.
You may call it rude.
But I just call it constructive criticism.

jennie said...

and that's what good sisters do - you're a good sister heidles... :)

Chip Lusko said...

if your mother could blog-
she would give Heidi timeout