Saturday night was our "Valentine's Day" if we celebrated such thing. Which apparently we don't. Anyhow it was date night for couples at the conference and Jason and I decided to make the most of it. We had reservations at the "Corn Maiden" ( the local fancy shmancy restaurant at the hotel) and got dressed up to the Nines. Anyone who knows me is aware that the only reason I eat dinner is to get to desert. So I was pretty thrilled to see what this Corn Maiden lady had in store for me. We made it through a pricey dinner that contained more meat than anyone person should consume in three sittings, let alone one. And I was on the edge of my seat as the desert cart was wheeled out. Alright I thought, this is it!!!! When to my disappointment the girl proceeded to describe the deserts. A "sugar free" fruit torte, an apple soup with something floating in it, rum cake, a small box of truffles, and creme brule. Normally given these choices I would have opted for the creme brule. But it was just this last Friday that I helped my younger brother out with a creative date idea and made him creme brule to woo a lucky young lady. I knew that I had an extra creme brule waiting for me back home in my fridge. Downtrodden, I waved her away. As a pouted I thought, Why don't they have anything with the mainstays of desert? Carmel, chocolate and nuts? Or at least a freaking cheesecake with a graham cracker crust!! Jason understands my obsession with sugar, but doesn't share it. So he wasn't quite as "crushed" as I was.
As we walked back through the hotel lobby to our room and passed the many fire places that the hotel boasts, a thought dawned on me. I had seen in the sundries shop earlier that day a 'Smores Kit for sale! Of course! 'Smores. The perfect desert!

We hustled back to the room and changed clothes and purchased one of said kits. We then spent *most* of the evening cuddling by the fire, sipping coffee and making 'Smores!