Tonight we met up with my surrogate parents, Vern and Allison Schuur who were in town on their trip to Arizona. They are the parents of my very best childhood friend Emily. Now, before I go any further, let me premise this by saying that my child hood memories of my family are colorful and interesting and I wouldn't trade them for anything. But I spent a lot of time in their house and enjoyed it because it was quiet, organized,a sanctuary from my brothers, had a very well stocked candy drawer, and a Barbie dream house. Also, they lived in the same house pretty much forever. Vern and Allison have been married 31 years now and it refreshing for me to see them still together and loving each other. It was great to see them again and introduce them to Jaxon. It was really a special night and I only wish we could have spent more time.
Oh yeah, and I am lame, so I didn't remember to take any pictures but here is what they look like...

i see how it love for the lusky
I am so jealous that my parents got to see you and Jason and meet cutie pie Jaxon! Hopefully, someday soon we will get our families together! I miss you! Emily
Way to spell your surrogate Mom's name wrong...Allyson! HAHA! I heard they had a great time and called me to tell me how adorable Jaxon is. Which I already knew, from pics, but apparently he is even more handsome in real life!
Um I'm pretty sure that you neglected to mention how the two of you would torture poor little innocent me. Kind of like when you sat on me and held my head when the scary wolf was on the "Neverending Story!" AH the memories!!
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