My brother was in a snowmobiling accident this weekend in Montana. Pastor Greg Laurie was in town teaching at Levi's church. They had 2 packed midweek services and Phil Wickham was there to lead worship. Anyhow, the following day Levi went snowmobiling with Greg and had an accident. He broke his femur in half and had to have surgery. He now has a titanium rod in his thigh held in place at his hip with one screw and at his knee with two more. He is just 100 more bones away from being just like Wolverine. (yes, that was an X-Men reference from my husband) Thank God he is alright. He is still in pain, but the doctor said he will be up and walking on crutches in a day. Meanwhile, my dad flew up to be with him.
Keep Levi in your prayers.
hey where did u dig up that old school photo of me? My high school yearbook? Don't u have anything more current?
No. I I don't see you very often. Plus I liked your hair. My blog, my rules.
levi, i think the pic is from your birthday dinner at papadeaux when we were first married... i remember that old guy in the background...just kidding...i don't remember that guy, but i remember that night, those were great days!
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