I took Jaxon to Kiddie Kandids in the mall. A little cheeseball, I know. No they did not have the option to put a screen of holographic playboy bunnies behind him. No he did not pose with his homies. No it was not in Walmart or Sears Portrait Studio.
Once I declined the offers to pose him with a top hat on, or sitting in a watering can, we were on the right track! Jaxon is a very mild tempered baby, but he was in an incredible mood when we went in for his photo shoot. You would think the woman was Jerry Seinfeld the way Jaxon cracked up at everything she did. He laughs now. A real little man laugh. And she knew all the sneaky baby laughing tricks. The result, I'm pretty happy with. These are the best...
Watch out Ladies.
OH MY GOODNESS! - this boy is too adorable for words - my favorite is the jungle grass scene with the hat. How can i get one?
Kiss, Kiss, Kiss. What great pictures. His little hands are so busy. He looks so happy. Love to you all.....Judy
Oh my gosh! He is so incredibly cute! I just wanna give him a big hug!
Pretty much the cutest human since winston churchill...
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