Wow, its been ten years. It sort of blows me away to think how quickly that time went by. Granted a quite a bit has happened, but still. I was unsure how to feel about this event. Part of me was nervous, excited. and I held a little bit of anxiety about this whole ordeal. I mean what the heck do you expect from something like this. You have to understand, my graduating class was somewhere around 70, not 300. So pretty much everybody knew everyone else to some degree.
As it turns out, it was pretty great. Once everyone got over the akward hellos and what have you been doing etc... it was really fun to catch back up with the people that I haven't seen/and or haven't kept in touch with.
And of course no body seemed to remember me being THAT tall. Whatever :-)
Here is a few before and afters, with more to come as I get more pictures from Keira...

You girls still look as marvelous as ever.
I'm pretty sure you need my consent before posting a picture like that!
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