Tuesday, August 26, 2008

One and Half Men

Jason and Jaxon spend 3 days a week together. (Yes I am jealous, because I only spend 2 with the little mokey) To tell you the truth I don't always know what they are up to. Maybe its better that way. The other day I got a hold of the camera and found some pictures that told me what has been going on. I thought I would share. Apparently clothes are optional for these "Manly Men" days because Jax doesn't seem to be wearing much. I also trust that in the pictures that it appears Jaxon is doing unsafe things (climbing on the desk or sitting on the roof of the car), that Jason is in complete control of the situation...


Emily Genz said...

What great pictures! Jaxon is such a handsome little guy! I am anxious to meet him!

jennie said...

this boy is too cute for words. he and lenya need to play together real soon, i don't know if we can wait all the way to november! we miss you!!