I have never considered myself to be a feminist. But I have never been so proud to be a female as I have been this past week. I don't have too many insightful things to say about politics. I leave that to people who are far more informed. And I've not exactly been enthusiastic about our upcoming elections. I knew who I was going to vote for, but I wasn't jumping up and down about it. Until this week. This Sarah Palin came out of left field as far as I'm concerned. (or the upper left hand corner of America)
I love seeing a woman who is doing it all, but isn't sacrificing her, family, her relationship with her husband, or her beliefs to do so. She is vivacious, gritty, determined, sarcastic, fresh and graceful. She gets things done, doesn't make excuses, and doesn't apologize. I love it. I am re-energized, and ready for the elections. A modern day Esther as far as I'm concerned. Finally a politician I can relate to AND respect. Now, where are MY glasses...?
Well said... I have to admit I have always been a registered Republican and vote Republican(minus one time, I voted for Ross Perot...SHHHH.)I was tossed up on whom I was going to vote for this time around.Well that was until Mrs. Palin's speech this past week!!!WOW. I remember the headlines when she became the first female governor of Alaska, but other than that I never really heard of her...I must say Kudos to McCain and the Republican party. She just might wipe those politicians in D.C. into shape.
word up becca...totally agree :)
becca- i have not been to a political event since I worked a Ronald Reagan rally in Colorado in 76
(I had to be there for radio news) but I went to
see John McCain and Sarahcuda yesterday in ABQ.
WOW! Electric. Rock Star. Or as one sign said
'Read my Lipstick' Esther is right.
Amen sister!!!!
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