Well a lot has happened in the past 2 weeks. None of which I have documented. Mostly because the computer crashed, right about the same time the memory card to the camera was ruined. In mourning of the loss of these things that contained endless amounts of information and pictures...I lost my will to blog.
It may be slowly returning. I don't want to miss any major moments in the upcoming holiday season.
Let me sum up the last two weeks quickly as they have been very eventful. Jaxon turned 1, we had several celebrations. He pretty much walks now. (well, he at least takes several steps in a row before sitting down) I am 29 (no not 30, 29) I had a few celebrations for that as well. We got our Christmas tree. (A little one that is up on the coffe table, in honor Jaxon's mobility and ever present curiosity) Sydey (our girl dog) got into the trash ate something awful (possibly a diaper) developed an ulcer in her stomach, had to be admited to the doggie emergency room. That pretty much ate up $600 of our Christmas fund. She is okay now, but has to eat expensive food and take pills every 3 hours.
All three of us (humans) came down with what can only be described as the plague. We slept for pretty much two days straight subsiting on only crackers and 7-up (Pedialyte for Jax).
During this time it has snowed. A lot. Jaxon has four teeth coming in on top. At the same time. This makes him a little extra fussy. Jason and I accidently double dosed him on infant tylenol. Thats what you get when you are grumpy, sick and not communicating with each other properly. We quickly realized this and called the nice lady at Poison Control. She actually told us that it was okay and Jaxon will be fine. We would have had to give him 4x what we gave him to do any harm at all. Whew.
And that brings us to the present day. Still with me? I'm surprised. My attention span would have veered off by now. I don't do well reading lengthy blogs with no pictures.
Here is a fun picture we got of Jaxon enjoying the snow while we shopped for a tree...
So a friend told me that there are companys who will print your blogs for you into story book form. If all your precious pictures were lost....that may be helpful. Sounds like quite a few weeks!
Hope this week is treating you all better. Look at that beautiful face. What a joy Jaxon is. Miss you and love you all. Judy
two things i want: to see more pictures of jaxon, and to see him in person really really soon. love him! this picture is precious!!
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