Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things
Here are some of the things that we are loving right now...

The Blackberry. Jason sometimes refers to it as my other love. Yes all you Iphone users be darned with your fancy applications that count down the minutes left in you life or allow you to use your phone as a level . My phone says I can still type 55wpm even while at the grocery store. My phone means business. Even if its looking up an actor's name on IMDB ;-)
Jaxon loves playgrounds like this one. Or more specificlly slides. He also figured out that I can just take him from the bottom of the slide immediatly after he comes down and place him at the top. (one of the advantages of having a tall mother) This way he doesn't have to waste his energy walking all around the back and climbing up the steps. And he can come back down over and over and over again.

Pandora radio. Genius. Just go to their website, sign up for a free account and create your own station based on a band or even one song. It will play uninterupted music that has similar qualities to what you told it. Sometimes I want to listen to music, but I have so much stuff on my Ipod, I don't want to create a playlist or hit skip everyother song. This is perfect!!!!
Burt's Bees Baby. Heidi says everyone should have a signature scent and this is Jaxon's. I just love the unique baby soft sweet smell. Soon enough he will be just another smelly little boy. But for now he smells delightful :-)

No Puffery is a cooling gel eye masque. The equivilent of laying around the house with cucumbers on your eyes for those not so pretty mornings. I love love love this stuff.

Trust me these might change your life. Or at least everything that you thought you knew about an Oreo.

Cherry Blossom trees are so beautiful. I love the contrast of the bright petals and the dark wood. They only bloom for a minute here in New Mexico and I cherish the time they are around.

This movie was really pretty funny and there is something in it for everyone. A little over the top, but at one time or another, everybody can relate to some of the crazy relationship madness in this movie.

Jaxon loves dogs. Any kind. Any color. He also believes that cows and deer are dogs. Sometimes he calls me a dog. He can't get enough. He will spot a stuffed animal horse from across the room, point his little finger and proclaim "DOG!" Like he is Columbus discovering land.

Target. Enough said.

Homemade popcorn and movies. Last year I bough Jason a Whirly Pop for Father's day. And we make some gourmet popcorn to rival that of the movie theaters. Mmm, light buttery goodness.
What are some of yours?
1 comment:
Those are some good things to have as your favorite!
I like Nutella, K.p. Yohannan books, Video Messages, the Beach and Chuck Smith.
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