The fabulous gentlemen in between all the girls is one of MAC's senior artists and the woman to my left is one of our talented trainers. We really got to put our makeup abilities to the test and it was fun being under the gun so to speak.
We stayed in the Hard Rock Hotel in downtown San Diego got to apperciate all downtown had to offer. (by apperciate, I mean *shopped*)
This hotel was sleek and state of the art. My favorite part was as we checked in, the woman asked "Miss Clay, what sort of music would you like playing in your room when you walk in?"

My little brother Jesse hi-jacked a car and drove the hour down from Murrietta to visit with me. Though our time together was short, it was also so sweet! We wandered around the hotel and had a grand time. He entertained with one of his many Christopher Walken impressions.
Cowbells and scary plants?
what a nice little getaway! pinkberry is the best!!
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