So I have again lost the will to blog. Plenty has been happening trust me but I've just been too busy/overwhelmed to document it all properly. One little reason has kept me from my virtual scrapbooking...I'm pregnant again! And nauseated all the time. All the time. So pretty much even words make me sick. Like blog or coffee. (Sad I know) I'm roughly 9 weeks along but will find out in our ultra sound 2 weeks from now.
During this past month, Jaxon hit 18 months, we had our 4 year wedding anniversary, Jason and I saw Dave Matthews in concert, I saw No Doubt in concert, hmm what else. I gave Jaxon his first haircut, he is hitting his head on everything and is into everything. He is entirely too funny for words.

Untitled from Becca Clay on Vimeo.
Congrats Miss Becca. Sorry your not feeling well. Jax is such a cutie.
Sorry your nauseated all the time. Hopefully that will pass soon. Congrats, what great news. Jax is going to be a big brother too. Alright. Thanks for your blog, glad your back. Hugs and Kisses to you all. Judy
AHHH I'm so excited for you! The nausea stinks (my 2nd preg. was way worse too) but you'll know it hits an all time bad if Jax starts going into the bathroom and imitating you with nausea. Glad to see you blogging again we missed you.
OH My your pregnant! How much we miss when we live just down the street. I hope its not much longer till we get to see you all again. Sometimes I think Eli forgets what a phone is :) love...Diana
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