Sunday, November 15, 2009

This summer....

I know I did such an awful job of keeping up this summer (alright, yes a horrible job)
I came across these pictures from those months and thought I should share them with Jaxon's fanbase. A lot of the pictures are from the trip we took to Montana to visit Levi and his band of women.

Also please enjoy the poorly spliced home video I put together of Jaxon dancing at Josh and Tamra's wedding. I am trying to expand my computer knowledge to include more Photoshop and some video editing. Its harder than it looks. Props to my brother Daniel and his mad movie skills. I am however quite proud that I finally figured out how to rotate the video so that you don't have to turn your head. (hey celebrate the small successes with me) Enjoy...

Jaxon Fireburning from Becca Clay on Vimeo.


Emily Genz said...

Great pictures, Becca! You have such a beautiful family. Plus, I LOVE the video of Jaxon dancing! Wow! He has awesome moves, he could definitely outdance me! ;)

Jesse Lusko said...

Jaxon is out of control awesome... He makes me so happy.. I put more nasty Mall Hunt pictures up for you and wrote out the story of my favorite incidents.

Kevin and Misty said...

love the pics...but totally awaiting updated belly pictures too!