Jaxon usually wears hats. It started out as a practical thing. He was bald, it was winter, so I put him in hats. But it started at such young age that he got used to it. Now he asks for them. And often doesn't want to leave the house without his signature accessory. Well now that he finally has hair I sometimes style it. The other day I did his hair and after I was through I turned him around to look at his reflection in the mirror. He promptly pointed at himself and said "Grinch" with a big smile. As I thought about it I realized what he meant. The peak in his hair looked to him like the young grinch from the movie. (this kid's memory never ceases to amaze me)

Below are several failed attempt at getting a 2 year old boy who has just had candy to sit still for a picture. Jaxon is potty training (as I refuse to have 2 in diapers for much longer) And he is doing a pretty good job of it. He gets a "treat" every time he goes and that amounts to more candy than he usually gets his hands on.
That was funny how you put the Grinch picture on your blog hahaha :) made me laugh. Thank you for making me smile. :) Have a great day. Love you all Judy!!!!!
aww cutte blog
keep up the good work :)
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