Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Life in Double Stroller Land

These kids are certainly keeping me on my toes. Especially the miscevious looking one in the hat.
Bridget is becoming more and more aware everyday. Anytime you get close and say her name, she immediatly brightens up with a huge gummy grin. Bridget watches every move Jaxon makes following him around the room with her eyes. She has a distinct baldspot worn in the back of her head, but still has quite a bit more hair than her brother did at this age. She is almost sleeping through the night regularly. (by night, I mean midnight to 9am. I keep my kids on my kind of schedule. No early risers in this house ;-)
Jaxon is loving being a big brother and exploring the options that being 2 has brought him. He readily says no to almost anything with a devious smile. Even if its something that he wants. We've figured out that giving him choices is the way to go. "Jaxon do you want Orange Juice or Apple Juice?" "Dinosaur or Monkey Jammies?"He loves Toy Story and usually has his Buzz and Woody toys in tow. He is all boy and likes to "Fight bad guys" He plays with the little girls next door and always tries to get them to fight bad guys with him. He is still an incredibly sweet friendly boy and is always saying hi to strangers in stores or walking down the street.
"Hi man! What you doing?" to which they usually respond surprised "Walking" or some such activity. If they don't respond, Jaxon will yell "Hey, I'm talking!"
Being a mom to these kids exceeds my expectations and blows my mind everyday.


Chip Lusko said...

Jaxon! You are such a rascal!
Can't wait to see you!

Sky Lusko said...

Happy you are continuing your blog! Hope you don't mind that i borrowed a couple pics to catch up on recent events. love Mom

Levi Lusko said...

Those kiddos are too cute!