Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Naked Time is Happy Time!

As the title of this blog suggests, Jaxon is happiest with nothing on. But aren't we all? This gives me a preview of things to come. I can picture a little naked boy running happily through my house and possibly into the front yard for neighbors and all the world to see! There is just a certain freedom involved with having no clothes and no restraints. I think of my dogs, anytime we try to dress them in clothes. They get that sad look on their faces. They want to be able to pee at will. No unbuttoning, unzipping, or unfastening etc. Never mind the cold.
Adam and Eve had it right. Before the fall. Damn serpent.


Levi Lusko said...

wow, now thats a blog!

Jesse Lusko said...
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Jesse Lusko said...
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Jesse Lusko said...

Yes Jaxon! Don't let the contrivances of society get to you or the snakes for that matter. Run! Run like the drop of Cherokee in you proud!

Levi Lusko said...

I love all the new photos of jadon you put on your photos page especially in his vest and his tank and plane shirt. Such a cute kid. I can't wait to meet him in April. Its driving me crazy being a long distance uncle!!!

Levi Lusko said...

let's make that jaxon...