Bridget is so sweet and mellow. Always smiling and cooing. But she also has a little bit of a feisty side. If I have a snack or something that she wants, she lets me know she is insterested by letting out a fierce growl. It surprised me the first time. She is on the cusp of crawling, and I'm in no hurry for her to learn. Though she can often be found balancing on two knees and one hand, while reaching for an object. One handed push ups? Or maybe she is just doing sun salutations with her yoga routine. We will see what her interests are in the months to come.
Jaxon is as friendly as ever. He has no fear of strangers and often strikes up a conversation with people, I don't really want to talk to. His vocabulary is downright amazing. He uses proper tenses in sentances, and strangers in stores everywhere stop us to find out "How old is he?!? He speaks so well for being 2!" He is certainly has "little boy" tendancies and wants to fight all the time. He is still very interested in Pirates and often tells me to "Walk the Plank Mom!" or "Your going to Davey Jones locker, FOREVER!!" He also still collects hats and one of his favorite pass times is dress up.

Feeding the giraffes at the Cheyanne Mountain Zoo, Colorado Springs CO

We had a great time at the zoo with Emily, Katy, Alexis and Natalie!!
We took a bittersweet trip to Colorado Springs to celebrate the life of Vern Schuur. My adoptive father since 1st grade. I'm so glad we were able to spend time with Allison, Emily and Katy.
Above is Bridget with Allison, my "Other Mother"
Above is Bridget with Allison, my "Other Mother"
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