Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Jason took Jaxon on a trip last month to his alma mater, Oklahoma University, for a football game. It was a quick trip, they flew and met up with Jason's sister Judy. (who Jaxon loves!!)Jaxon loved the horses, the marching band, the cheerleaders and of course the football!! They also snuck in a trip to the Natural History museum.

Sunday, November 15, 2009
This summer....
I know I did such an awful job of keeping up this summer (alright, yes a horrible job)
I came across these pictures from those months and thought I should share them with Jaxon's fanbase. A lot of the pictures are from the trip we took to Montana to visit Levi and his band of women.
Also please enjoy the poorly spliced home video I put together of Jaxon dancing at Josh and Tamra's wedding. I am trying to expand my computer knowledge to include more Photoshop and some video editing. Its harder than it looks. Props to my brother Daniel and his mad movie skills. I am however quite proud that I finally figured out how to rotate the video so that you don't have to turn your head. (hey celebrate the small successes with me) Enjoy...

I came across these pictures from those months and thought I should share them with Jaxon's fanbase. A lot of the pictures are from the trip we took to Montana to visit Levi and his band of women.
Also please enjoy the poorly spliced home video I put together of Jaxon dancing at Josh and Tamra's wedding. I am trying to expand my computer knowledge to include more Photoshop and some video editing. Its harder than it looks. Props to my brother Daniel and his mad movie skills. I am however quite proud that I finally figured out how to rotate the video so that you don't have to turn your head. (hey celebrate the small successes with me) Enjoy...
Jaxon Fireburning from Becca Clay on Vimeo.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I really like these commercials....actually I love lots of commercials. We have DVR and often find myself watching commercials even when I have the option to fast forward. (funny thing is commercials drive Jason crazy)
A wise man (my dad) once told me ''The real money is in advertising." If I didn't go into makeup, I could have had a bright future in advertising. After all I did study marketing in college. It would have been like Mad Men but a lot less chauvanism and drinking. I'd like to think myself a good cross between Betty, Joan and Peggy but thats another blog...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Autumn Punch
When the cold weather finally rolls around here in New Mexico, its a welcome change. However this week I'm on vacation and Jaxon and I are both feeling a little under the weather. Today was rainy/snowy and we decided it called for a pajama day. So I whippped up some Autumn Punch to soothe our throats while he watched from his new favorite spot on the kitchen floor. Its great for non-sickies too and makes the whole house smell great!
2 oranges
8 whole cloves
6 cups apple juice
1 cinnamon stick
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 cup honey
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 1/4 cups pineapple juice
2 1/4 cups pineapple juice
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Stud the whole oranges with cloves, and bake for 30 minutes. In a large saucepan, combine the apple juice and cinnamon stick. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium, and simmer 5 minutes. Remove from heat, and stir in the nutmeg, honey, lemon juice, and pineapple juice. Serve hot in a punch bowl with the 2 clove-studded baked oranges floating on top
(I passed on the clove/orange thing because I didn't have any cloves, and it still turned out great)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Help Me Decide

The Lizzie ^

The Hannah ^
Hmm, I can't decide between these two crib sets. New Baby Clay will be a girl. However Jaxon and her will be roommates for the next few years. As of now the room is painted a light aqua blue (just like the pictures) and I thought these are both girlie without being overboard....
I really like the red and white polka dots, but I also love the pink and orange combo.
Help me out and let me know which you like better!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Back with a Venganance

These fabulous photos were taken by Latisha Lyn Photography
Life has been nuts so no apologies, just photos of the boy.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Gone but not Forgotten
So I have again lost the will to blog. Plenty has been happening trust me but I've just been too busy/overwhelmed to document it all properly. One little reason has kept me from my virtual scrapbooking...I'm pregnant again! And nauseated all the time. All the time. So pretty much even words make me sick. Like blog or coffee. (Sad I know) I'm roughly 9 weeks along but will find out in our ultra sound 2 weeks from now.

During this past month, Jaxon hit 18 months, we had our 4 year wedding anniversary, Jason and I saw Dave Matthews in concert, I saw No Doubt in concert, hmm what else. I gave Jaxon his first haircut, he is hitting his head on everything and is into everything. He is entirely too funny for words.
Untitled from Becca Clay on Vimeo.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Madagascar 3?
We bought a season pass to the Zoo, Botanic Gardens and Aquarium. So thats pretty much what my life will be consisting of. Today, Jaxon and I packed up a picnic and went to the zoo. It will go down in my history as one of the best days ever. We feasted on an assorment of berries & kiwi, crackers & cheese then topped it off by sharing an ice cream cone. We still saw plenty of animals not sleeping even though it was the middle of the day.
Jaxon is really perfecting his animals noises and expanding his range. Looking at the animals through his eyes brings me a whole new level of appreciation. Everytime we go he gets a big kick out of different animals. This time the favorites were the prarie dogs, seals, and the toucans. Enjoy the montage of photos and the video of Jaxon's latest impression.

Jaxon is really perfecting his animals noises and expanding his range. Looking at the animals through his eyes brings me a whole new level of appreciation. Everytime we go he gets a big kick out of different animals. This time the favorites were the prarie dogs, seals, and the toucans. Enjoy the montage of photos and the video of Jaxon's latest impression.
San Diego- "America's Finest City"
When you love what you do, it really doesn't feel like work. Last week I took a great trip to San Diego for some meetings and trainings. I was re-energized, inspired, and of course squeezed a little fun in there. Though I missed Jaxon tremendously, I shopped it up, ate some great fish tacos, had pinkberry almost every night (if you don't know what pinkberry is..."You betta ax somebody!"

The fabulous gentlemen in between all the girls is one of MAC's senior artists and the woman to my left is one of our talented trainers. We really got to put our makeup abilities to the test and it was fun being under the gun so to speak.

The fabulous gentlemen in between all the girls is one of MAC's senior artists and the woman to my left is one of our talented trainers. We really got to put our makeup abilities to the test and it was fun being under the gun so to speak.
We stayed in the Hard Rock Hotel in downtown San Diego got to apperciate all downtown had to offer. (by apperciate, I mean *shopped*)
This hotel was sleek and state of the art. My favorite part was as we checked in, the woman asked "Miss Clay, what sort of music would you like playing in your room when you walk in?"

My little brother Jesse hi-jacked a car and drove the hour down from Murrietta to visit with me. Though our time together was short, it was also so sweet! We wandered around the hotel and had a grand time. He entertained with one of his many Christopher Walken impressions.
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