Saturday, January 24, 2009

All dressed up!

For his first wedding.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What Jaxon is up to these days.

Jaxon is doing lots of fun things these days. He can go up and down stairs, and off the couch or bed. He is walking, but still prefers to crawl when in a hurry. He says dada, mama (but the latter only when upset or hungry) and dog a lot. No really, ALL the time. The first thing he says in the morning is "Dog!" as he looks down the hallway for his furry friends. He says Wow!, and ball. He can point to his nose, ears and teeth when prompted. He has a wild little personality and is developing quite a sense of humor. Jaxon squints his eyes, wrinkles his nose and laughs making the infamous scrunchy face.
He loves to play the piano shown in the above pictures and will put one foot up on the side and bang on the keys. Jaxon loves to dance and bobs his head and claps to anything with a rhythm. If he is amused with you, he will cock his head to the side and look at you adoringly.
Though you can't really tell here, but he actually is getting hair. Promise. Its just really blonde and FINE like his mama's.

Friday, January 9, 2009

New seat.

Jaxon is officially a forward facing member of society.