Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mommy Jaxon Day Part 1

This week I have 3 days off in a row!! (That is a big deal for a working mommy) and it just so happens that the weather is Bea-U-tiful!!!!!! 70 degrees to be exact.

Monday was mom mom's birthday. Happy Birthday Grandma Sky!!! So we headed off to the zoo with her and Heidi. Here is the proof...

Jaxon at the zoo from Becca Clay on Vimeo.


jennie said...

oh i miss you guys. next time we're in abq, we're taking our kids to the zoo!

Anonymous said...

Wow look at Jaxon go! Nice to hear your voice Becca. Say Hi to your mom and Happy belated Birthday. Love ya! Judy

Chip Lusko said...

I love it!
Frankenstein chasing ducks!
Can't wait to see you Monday Jaxon!
We'll look for dogs that fly.